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Become a Hiring Partner
'Find your next hire through our community'

Diversify your Tech Teams

Hello there! Are you looking to advertise tech jobs to a diverse and talented pool of candidates? Look no further than our Women in Tech community job board. Our job board is specifically designed to help connect employers with skilled and qualified women in tech. By advertising your tech jobs with us, you'll have access to a community of talented women who are passionate about technology and eager to advance their careers.

Research has shown that diverse teams lead to better innovation and increased profitability. By advertising your tech jobs on our Women in Tech community job board, you'll be demonstrating your commitment to building a diverse and inclusive workplace. Plus, you'll be helping to close the gender gap in the tech industry by giving qualified women access to the job opportunities they deserve.

So, whether you're looking to fill a leadership position or entry-level role, we encourage you to advertise your tech jobs on our Women in Tech community job board. Let's work together to create a more diverse and inclusive tech industry!











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Create a Company Profile Page

Once partnered with us we give your account login access to create a company profile page with us and display the following information to our members:

  • Company Description 

  • Culture and Benefits 

  • Culture Imags & Videos

  • Diversity and Inclusion Statement 

  • Working Arrangements 

  • Current Team and Financial Information 

  • People working at the company 

  • Social Media Links 

  • Open Job Positions and how to apply! (Up to 12 Jobs can be added and swapped out for other roles at any time!) 

  • View our Job Board here

You can return to our Hiring Hub and to our 'Edit Company Profile Page' at any stage to make any changes you need to. 

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The ratio of men to women in engineering is 5:1

Lack of visible female role models is one of the biggest contributing factors for the lack of women pursuing a career in tech

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Use our Candidate Search Tool & Make Contact Directly

  • Our team have been working behind the scenes and we are happy to announce that our much anticipated 'Candidate Search Tool' is now available to use exclusively by our Gold Hiring Partners!

  • We have tried to make our interface as easy to use as possible - Use our filters to search for the candidates with the right experience that would be right for you engineering team at the moment. 

  • Click on 'View Full Profile" when you have found a candidate of interest to see all details including more details about current experience, downloading CV and ways to contact them. 

  • New candidates are added all the time so make sure you check back regularly so you don't miss the top talent. 

  • Make your next hire from the GirlCode community today!

Men in high-tech companies earn 25% more than women

Women make up around 34.4% of the workforce in the five largest technology companies in the world (Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, and Google) 

Host Events with our community

  • Our Gold Hiring Partners have access to request and host events from within our community! 

  • Whether thats in person events or virtual events, we work closely with your team along with our GirlCode brand ambassadors to try and make an event happen! 

  • We then advertise across our channels to maximise the exposure level you are getting from the event. 

  • View some of our past events here


Each month we release a roundup of the latest events that have happened within our community. 

Some of the things you will find in our newsletter include:

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We would love to show your how our platform works in action so why not book in a demo with a member of our team today!

Click on the link below to be taken to our booking calendar where you can pick a date and time that suits you! 

We conduct our demos using our own video call software and during the demo you can expect to be shown the following:

  • An overview of GirlCode and what we do

  • How we usually partner with companies and what you can get out of a partnership

  • How you can create your company profile page

  • How to use our candidate search tool

  • How to host events with us 

  • Member numbers and Location data

  • Previous success stories

  • Ask any questions you may have 

Following the demo you will then be sent a follow up email with the requested data. 

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Would you like to sponsor one of our courses as a company?

At GirlCode, we are dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive tech community where women can thrive and excel. As we continue to empower women with our online coding courses, we are reaching out to forward-thinking companies like yours to explore the possibility of sponsorship. By partnering with us, your company can play a pivotal role in breaking down barriers to entry into the tech industry and expanding opportunities for aspiring female technologists. Your sponsorship would enable us to offer scholarships, financial assistance, and other resources to our members, making it easier for them to access high-quality coding education and embark on fulfilling careers in tech.


We believe that together, we can create a more equitable and innovative future for women in technology. We would be honored to discuss how we can collaborate to make a meaningful impact. Thank you for considering this opportunity to support our mission.

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