Take a look and choose from the following options - Here you can view the current plans we have available!
Bootcamp Partner
(Display Profile on Coding Bootcamp Page)
Create and Edit Coding Bootcamp Page
Display Info about Bootcamp
Display up to 12 Coding Courses (Edit any time)
Access to Candidate Search Tool to search for Students!
Organise Events with our Members (1xOnsite, 1xVirtual)
Social Media Shares
Included in our Monthly Newsletter
All Enquiries directed through to you
No Expiry Date
University Partner
Every year
Partner with us as a University Partner!
Create and Edit a profile page for University
Full Access to post directly to our community members
Full Access to our Candidate Search Tool
Mentorship provided by our Mentors for Students
Career Advice and Guidance
Connect Students to our Pool of Hiring Partners
Bronze Company Partner
Every 6 months
Great for getting started with us!
Create and Edit Company Profile Page
List up to 12 Jobs (Edit at any time)
Active for 6 Months (Automatically Renews)
Silver Company Partner
Every 6 months
Widen your reach!
Create and Edit company profile page
Partnership shared to our social media
Included in our monthly newsletter
Post to our Blog and Community pages
List up to 12 Jobs (Edit at any time)
Active for 6 Months (Automatically Renews)
Best Overall Results
Gold Company Partner
Access to all of our Hiring Tools!
Create and Edit Company Profile Page
Partnership Shared to our social media
Included in our monthly newsletter
Post Directly to our Blog and Community Pages
Full Access to our Candidate Search Tool
Host Events with our Community (1xOnsite, 1xVirtual)
Featured at Top of Job Board
Full Access to our Hiring Hub
Invited into Private Slack Hiring Channel
Be part of our Weekly Company Showcase!
Personal Account Manager
24/7 Priority Support
List up to 12 Jobs (Edit at any time)
Shares in GirlCode Offered
No Expiry Date (For Limited Time)
*All plans will autorenew after timeframe unless cancelled. If you choose to cancel you will loose stored data from company profile page.
Once purchase is complete, your account will be given access to our Hiring Hub and the tools associated with specific plan.
No additional recruitment fees are added for successful candidates who apply directly through GirlCode.
We do not work with recruitment agencies and only allow tech companies to display jobs - we reserve the right to deny access after purchase if you do not align with our requirements.
You accept that you may not see the results you expect and depends on the availability of candidates on the platform at the time of posting and this naturally changes constantly.
All partner plans are billed either every 3 months, 6 months or annually and are all non-refundable. You can cancel your plan at any time in your account settings.
Please contact a member of our team to discuss Invoicing Options.