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Kasia Dutch
Web Development Fundamentals with Kasia

Web Development Fundamentals with Kasia


Learning to code is both fun and challenging. It offers opportunities to be creative and problem solve. Think of this course as Web Dev 101 - teaching you the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more! Within just a few weeks, you will have working projects to demonstrate your new skills 👩‍💻


Students should have the following programmes downloaded onto their computer: Visual Studio Code, Google Chrome, Github Desktop

Total Course Spaces Remaining:

📅  Week 1: Introduction to Web Development

  • Overview of course structure and goals
  • Introduction to HTML: Basic structure, tags, and elements
  • Hands-on practice: Creating a simple HTML webpage
  • Introduction to the browser inspector
  • Introduction to Git version control and GitHub (setting up an account, creating repositories)

📅  Week 2: Styling with CSS

  • Introduction to CSS: Selectors, properties, and values
  • Cascading, specificity and inheritance
  • Using the browser inspector to test changes
  • Hands-on practice: Styling the HTML webpage created in Week 1
  • GitHub: Uploading HTML and CSS files to GitHub repositories

📅  Week 3: Advanced CSS and Responsive Design

  • Introduction to CSS Flexbox and Grid layout
  • Understanding responsive design principles
  • Using the browser inspector to test responsiveness
  • Hands-on practice: Implementing advanced layouts using Flexbox or Grid
  • GitHub: Hosting the responsive webpage on GitHub Pages

📅  Week 4: Document Object Model (DOM) Manipulation

  • Understanding the DOM and its structure
  • Accessing and manipulating DOM elements with JavaScript
  • Event handling
  • Hands-on practice: Interactive elements and event listeners on the webpage
  • GitHub: Committing changes to GitHub repositories

📅  Week 5: JavaScript Fundamentals (Part 1)

  • Basics of JavaScript: Variables, data types, and operators
  • Control structures: Conditionals and loops
  • Hands-on practice: Implementing simple JavaScript functionality on the webpage
  • GitHub: Adding JavaScript files to GitHub repositories

📅  Week 6: JavaScript Fundamentals (Part 2)

  • Functions: Declaring, calling, and passing parameters
  • Scope and closures
  • Hands-on practice: Implementing more complex JavaScript functionality on the webpage
  • GitHub: Committing changes and updating JavaScript files on GitHub repositories

📅  Week 7: UI/UX Principles and Accessibility

  • Basic UI/UX principles: Layout, typography, and color theory
  • Understanding accessibility principles and guidelines
  • Techniques for making websites accessible
  • Hands-on practice: Auditing and improving the accessibility of the webpage
  • GitHub: Documenting accessibility improvements and pushing changes to GitHub repositories

📅  Week 8: Final Projects and Review

  • Work on final projects incorporating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Present final projects to the class for feedback and review
  • Recap of key concepts covered throughout the course
  • Q&A session and further resources for continued learning
  • GitHub: Finalising and publishing final projects on GitHub Pages, showcasing students' work to a wider audience

Total Spaces Available:

20 Spaces


Price per Person:

1 Session Each Week for 8 Weeks




Fully Remote

Start Date:

Tuesday 8th October 2024

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